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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What color of clothes that matches with the color of your skin

What color of clothes that matches
 with the color of your skin
Selecting clothes also about matters of color and motif. We must be smart to choose the color of clothes that fit for us, by choosing appropriate clothes with fashion style and personality are very supportive of our appearance. By studying the color of clothing that fits, we become smart to select and wear appropriate clothing for our bodies. Later, we will also be faster in the color mix and match with the clothes we wear to fit the various accessory elements.

Here's a guide to choose the color of clothes that matches with the color of your skin.

White skin

Nearly all colors are suitable for whites. Pastel colors, blue, pink, red. However, we should note, don't wear the colors are pale or faded clothes, because it will make us look pale.

Yellow skin

For the yellow-skinned people, the clothes in orange, green, red, blue, and yellow, very fit.

Brown skin

Tosca purple and green will look luxurious in brown skin. Avoid clothes with dark brown and red!
Dark skin

To avoid the impression of a dull, select the color of the soft soil, and don't wear clothes that look contrasting color on the skin!

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